
Solomon is a non-profit based in Greece that produces journalism that serves the interest of the public.

About the network

Solomon journalists want to produce journalism that serves the public interest and covers topics that concern the people who make the future of Greece as citizens of a broader European and global world. Their objective is to hold power to account, support domestic investigative journalism, as well as facilitate collaboration among journalists at a cross-border level.

The team invests in a model of mobility: they spend time in places all over the country (and beyond), grasping a better and more grounded understanding of Greece, and enriching their reporting. They delve into issues that affect communities at a local level, at a time when most Greek media are cut off from them.

In the last two years, the small Solomon team produced investigations and participated in cross-border projects that delivered impact at scale and prompted change. The small Solomon team reversed the sentiment of the audience towards journalism, regaining their trust, and setting an example of how things can be done differently.

And Solomon did this despite a suffocating political environment that places Greece last in press freedom in Europe for a second consecutive year and several other challenges, among which the revelation of the surveillance of their team, the first scene in what has been described as the ‘Greek Watergate’.

Solomon is accountable to its community and believes that full transparency is the way to regain the public’s lost trust in journalism.


1. “Under the unwatchful eye of the authorities’ deactivated cameras: dying in the darkest depths of the Mediterranean” is a collaborative investigation into Pylos shipwreck by Solomon, Forensis, The Guardian and ARD. The project won the 2023 Daphne Caruana Galizia Prize for Journalism.

2. “The logbook of Moria” is a collaborative investigation into Europe’s most notorious refugee camp by Solomon, Investigate Europe and Reporters United. The investigation was nominated for the European Press Prize and won the 2022 IJ4EU Impact Award.

3. “‘Who Benefits?’ Inside the EU’s Fight over Scanning for Child Sex Content“, an investigation with Balkan Insight, Zeit online, Le monde, el Diario, De Groene Amsterdammer. This investigation uncovered a web of influence in the powerful coalition aligned behind the European Commission’s proposal to scan for child sexual abuse material online, a proposal leading experts say puts rights at risk and will introduce new vulnerabilities by undermining encryption. The findings of the investigation circulated broadly on social media and initiated great reactions from stakeholders, politicians, and other public figures. In light of the revelations, LIBE requested answers from Ylva Yohansson and held two hearings with the participation of the journalists.


Name: Solomon

Network details

Size: Under 10 members
Founded: 2016
Geographical focus: National
Type of members: Staff journalists
Legal entity: Yes
Open to new members: No


  • Climate
  • Migration
  • Politics / policy / democracy


  • Greece


  • Investigative journalism

Support/join our network

  • Collaborate on editorial projects
  • Collaborate on grant applications

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.