About us

The Directory of European Journalism Networks is a live, searchable database of journalism networks, collectives, hubs, unions and groups from Europe, focusing on collaborative and crossborder journalism. The directory aims to support and inspire journalists who document stories that span country boundaries or require interdisciplinary teams, by helping them to find each other, connect and work-together. 

On the directory website, you are able to submit your network/group to the listing; search by geography, subject expertise, skills to identify and contact future collaborators; read network profiles and interviews with network coordinators to better understand the scope of collaborative work. 

All network profiles are submitted voluntarily by network managers or by a member of the journalism collective or media group featured.

Who can join?

  • Networks focused on bringing together media organisations and/or journalists from specific European geographical regions, including local or regional media networks; 
  • Networks focused on supporting a specific skill, knowledge in a subject or operational practices (e.g. data journalism, or science reporting, or building membership in organisations);
  • Media outlets that actively work with partners to share stories from one region to other European countries and help information reach neighbouring countries.
  • Networks that are not legally registered but have a public profile online that others can use to find them (a website, a public social media page or group, or a contact person who acts as the network’s facilitator).
  • Networks that are independent with no affiliation to a political party, and observe standards of accuracy, fairness and transparency in their journalism.
  • Networks that are based in one of the member countries of the Council of Europe or in one of the countries eligible for any strand of the Creative Europe initiative.

What happens to the information I submit?

By filling in the questionnaire, you are agreeing to having the network featured in the directory. The details you include will be edited into a short description of your network and also be used as search filters so others can find your work. We request some personal contact information to get in touch in case we have questions about your network.

The European Excellence Exchange in Journalism (E³J) is a space to accelerate collaboration of journalists across borders.

It provides a single-entry point for all types of media organisations, networks and individuals to connect, based on mutual trust and common rules.

E³J is carried out by Reporters Without Borders (RSF) in partnership with Free Press Unlimited (FPU), the Permanent Conference of the Mediterranean Audiovisual Operators (COPEAM), Community Media Forum Europe (CMFE) and the Community Media Institute for Continuing Education, Research and Consulting (COMMIT).

Our unique consortium brings together a network of member organisations, partnerships and individuals across Europe. By joining forces and expertise, it combines a range of preceding initiatives to build on, such as the Journalism Trust Initiative (JTI) and the Collaborative and Investigative Journalism Initiative (CIJI). With E³J’s holistic and integrated concept, our project stimulates trustworthy information for European audiences interested in climate change, public health and migration.

If you’d like to know more about this project, please contact Julia Koster, senior programme coordinator, at jkoster@freepressunlimited.org.

About Free Press Unlimited

FPU is a non-profit organisation based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, that works to make independent news and information available to everyone, particularly in countries with limited (press) freedom. Free Press Unlimited helps journalists and media professionals with emergency support, advice, training and capacity building in more than 50 countries, together with over 300 partners worldwide.

With this project FPU aims to contribute to media pluralism across Europe, by strengthening the quality of collaborative, cross-border and independent journalism to enable European citizens to become better informed and active citizens in their communities.

The Journalism Trust Initiative

The Journalism Trust Initiative (JTI) by Reporters Without Borders is a transparency and accountability tool for journalism. It is built on a set of criteria for trustworthiness, that allow for media outlets of all sizes and stripes to self-evaluate their compliance and to get independently audited and certified if they choose to.

E3J is using the JTI as an instrument to safeguard the integrity of all participants. By registering an account, not only the relevant Terms of Service and privacy policies are applied and mutually recognized, but also the distinct JTI Pledge. It establishes a common understanding of value-based journalism and binds all actors publicly.

Read the JTI Pledge here.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.