Puppy trade increases risk of rabies in Western Europe

Ordering a puppy online and having it delivered to your door has become a common practice since the Covid-19 pandemic. Yet this trade in cute animals brings significant risks, Paolo Zucca, lead partner of the EU Biocrime project, told Apache.

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Too vulnerable: War in Ukraine torments refugee youth

More mental health support is needed for the tens of thousands of Ukrainian kids living as refugees in Poland and Romania. Many are facing uncertainty, anxiety and fear due to their immigration status, while others are experiencing war-related trauma.

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Staying in a country others choose to leave

This is a story about daily challenges of young people in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia, doing their best to stay in the towns that their fellow citizens leave in droves. 

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Bogatynia: Residents believe in Turów mine’s successful future

Turów power station produces about 7% of Poland’s energy and employs 3.5 thousand people. Yet, in recent years it became a matter of dispute between Poland and Czechia over environmental consequences of the plant and nearby lignite mine’s operation.

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