The ecstasy of therapy

The Ecstasy of Therapy is the first-ever European audio-cartoon investigation that presents a scientific report on the potential of drugs to treat mental illnesses – in our case, MDMA/Ecstasy to heal PTSD, comparing the cross-border conservative and progressive political perspectives in Italy and the Netherlands. The final objective? To open a debate about the distorted narrative around the matter and shape a more aware public opinion about heavy drugs and the therapeutic value they can have for society.

Illustrations by Riccardo Seghizzi. Podcasts by Angelos Apallas and Francesco Guidotti. Audio dubbing by Amedeo Gasparini and Micky Wouter. Story production by Michele Calamaio and Nathan Domon. Executive production by Julius E. O. Fintelmann.

This is a fragment of a story that was originally published in December 2023 by The European Correspondent. It was produced with support from production grants from the European Excellence Exchange in Journalism project. See the full story here.

Federico Menapace: The USA is one step ahead of the EU: Menapace and MAPS

The Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) is a nonprofit that started about 37 years ago with the mission of creating a legal and cultural context for people to benefit from the use of psychedelics and marijuana. Federico Menapace, Deputy Director, gives us an overview of what is happening in the USA and how their achievements create a bridge with the EU.

Read the full story at The European Correspondent.


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